Comments on: 12-Lead ECG Placement Emergency Medical Technician Wed, 25 May 2016 14:20:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Thu, 19 May 2016 17:12:44 +0000 I work in an e.r. and according to the phillips company who made our ekg machines that limb leads should be below the knees and elbows otherwise it is a modified ekg that should be noted on the ekg for the cardiologist because you could mis diagnose an inferior mi

By: Keturah Iyano Sat, 07 May 2016 09:26:20 +0000 Very helpful, when reading thru the conversations and comments.
Should there be any interesting things popping up about ECG reading or interpretations,may I be emailed about it.
I’m an Emergency Nurse catching up on interpreting ECG’s
Thanks to this website

By: JMC Wed, 13 Apr 2016 00:23:42 +0000 Have you ever had a patient complain because you were using your fingers to find the intercostal space? My administrator says I’m setting myself up for a lawsuit but I’ve been doing ECGs this way for 30 years!!

By: carolyn Tue, 08 Mar 2016 11:32:23 +0000 I was taught
Ride Your Green Bike for the placement of limb leads
Ride – Red – Right arm
Your – Yellow – Left arm
Green – Green – Left leg
Bike – Black – Right leg
Say it clockwise as you look at the patient.

By: Randi Bauer Fri, 04 Mar 2016 23:40:05 +0000 The RL lead goes between the knee and ankle. The electrodes and leads a color coded so they would have to match colors

By: mayra Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:40:12 +0000 can you send me the same tips and suggestions that you send the others on leads placement and how to memorizing the color and the different rhythms.

By: Gail Thu, 18 Feb 2016 02:09:23 +0000 Does it effect the accuracy of the interpretation if the limb leads are placed on the trunk (near each shoulder and bottom of torso?

By: Tracy Scorey Thu, 04 Feb 2016 23:56:59 +0000 Would you be able to send me the information too please

By: JB Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:42:57 +0000 Actually my experience is contrary to this. I was taught by a professor of cardiology that under no circumstances should you place v4 and 5 on top of the breast, it must always go under.
Placing it on top can result in it being too high, giving the impression of anterior elevation/depression, where there is none. It can also result in greater levels of movement and artifact.

By: Sara Mon, 30 Nov 2015 02:22:07 +0000 Why are there only three “leads”? Lead I,II,III relate to RA,LA,LL but says nothing about RL location lead. I am very confused as to what these white,green,black,red leads have to do with the V1-V6 lead placements. I know where they all go on the patient’s body, but do not understand how these work together.

Thank u for reading/any responses in advance.
